Welcome to our “Publishing” page, which is where you’ll find our blog articles on publishing and self-publishing books. Enjoy the articles and if you’d like help ghostwriting your book, give us a call!

Introduction to Self-Publishing by Barry Fox & Nadine Taylor
What does it cost to edit a book?

What Does It Cost to Edit a Book?

A look at 10 different editing/proofreading firms, with a breakdown of their charges. On average, you can expect to pay between $0.015 and $0.06 per word for editing services.
your options for publishing a business book
yes - 25 publishers who welcome unsolicited submissions

25 Publishers Who Welcome Unsolicited Submissions

Most standard publishers will not look at your manuscript unless an agent sends it in. These 35 publishers will, so you can send to them on your own. Here’s a listing, complete with links to the sites and descriptions of what they are looking for.
100 literary agents to contact

100 Literary Agents to Contact

Literary agents are your entrée into the world of standard publishing, to the acquisitions editors at Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, and other standard publishing houses. Here’s a list of 100 agents/agencies, complete with links to their sites.
self-publishing contract

Self-Publishing Rights & Wrongs – Kathy Hendershot-Hurd

Self-published author Kathy Hendershot-Hurd explains what she did right and wrong with her book. Learn from her mistakes in this guest blog.

Calculating Self-Publishing Royalties

Figuring out self-publishing royalties can be surprisingly complex. It depends on several factors, including type of book sold (softcover, e-book, etc.), the size of the book, and the sales channel in which it was sold. A look at how these royalties are calculated, with explanations from the contracts of iUniverse, Xlibris, and WingSpan Press.
self-publishing contracts

A Look at Self-Publishing Contracts

Self-publishing contracts vary widely in length, scope, detail, and other aspects. To help you sort through them, here are links to the contracts from 8 self-publishing firms. Plus, a list of items to look for in these contracts.

Watch the Warranty Clause in Self-Publishing Contracts

Are you familiar with the warranties (promises) you’ll be agreeing to when you sign a self-publishing contract? If not, read this article.
who own your work, you or the self-publishers?

Who Owns Your Work, You or the Self-Publisher?

As a general rule, you retain the rights to your book when you self-publish. But "general rules" can be bent this way and that, so it pays to read the self-publishing contract very carefully. Here are links to several self-publishing contracts, along with a discussion of some items to look for.
self-publishing contract

Self-Publishing Packages: What They Cost

Are you thinking of self-publishing your book? Here’s a quick comparison of the prices of self-publishing packages at 10 self-publishing firms - including AuthorHouse, iUniverse, Dog Ear and Lulu.
premade book covers, pre-made covers

Premade Book Covers – An Interesting Option

Not sure about hiring a designer to create a cover for your book? Using premade book covers is an inexpensive yet popular alternative. Here's an explanation of process, with links to several designers.
self-publishing contract

Beware the Competing Works Clause in Book Publishing Contracts

It’s just one of endless clauses buried in a book publishing contract, but it can cost you a lot of money if you’re careful. Learn more about the clause with claws.