Welcome to our “Editing” tag page, which is where you’ll find our blog articles on book editing and editors. Enjoy the articles and if you’d like help ghostwriting your book, give us a call!

Tag Archive for: editing

help writing a book from ghostwriters Barry Fox & Nadine Taylor
What does it cost to edit a book?

What Does It Cost to Edit a Book?

A look at 10 different editing/proofreading firms, with a breakdown of their charges. On average, you can expect to pay between $0.015 and $0.06 per word for editing services.
editor, copyeditor, copy editor, proofreader, Barry Fox

Copyeditor and Proofreader – What’s the Difference?

Many people confuse the copy editor and proofreader, but they have different and distinct duties. A look at the two, what they do for your manuscript, and why and when you should use them.
editor, copyeditor, copy editor, proofreader, Barry Fox

Book Editors, Proofreaders, et al. – Google story

A quick look at the copy editor, developmental editor, proofreader, and other professionals who can help you create a great book!