Welcome to our “Memoir” tag page, which is where you’ll find our blog articles on memoirs and ghostwriting memoirs. Enjoy the articles and if you’d like help ghostwriting your book, give us a call!

Tag Archive for: memoir

Young woman wondering how to begin a business memoir
telling your life story via the meaning of your life

How to Start an Autobiography – 4 Great Examples

Examples of how to begin your life story, from the autobiographies of John Denver, Nelson Mandela, Ronald Reagan, and American sniper Chris Kyle.
all about the autobiographical novel
How to write a memoir

How to Write a Memoir

10 tips to help you write your memoir. An introduction to memoir themes, characters, selecting your first words, dealing with “unpleasant truths,” writing rules, and more.
how to find your writer's voice

How to Find Your Memoir Writer’s Voice

The “voice” you speak with is not necessarily the voice you want to use in your memoir. Learn about the different types of voices, and how to find the best one for your book.
how to start a sports memoir

How to Start a Sports Memoir

You can start a sports memoir at the moment you’re down and out, by describing a feeling no one else understands, just before the big event, and early in childhood, where it all began. A look at these techniques, with examples.
start a military memoir

How to Start a Military Memoir

There are several ways to begin a military memoir, including starting as you head off to war, starting after you’ve retired and are looking back, starting by explaining why you joined up, and starting shortly after your enlistment has ended. A look at these techniques, with examples.
14 ways to write a political book, Barry Fox, ghostwriter

How to Start a Political Memoir

There are numerous ways to begin a political memoir, including at the moment when all seems lost, at a time of great crisis, with an interesting realization, and as your time in office is coming to an end. A look at these techniques, with examples.
how to start a family memoir

How to Start a Family Memoir

Popular family memoirs often begin with a discussion of an object that hold memories, by describing what sets your and your family apart, with a recitation of family facts, and by talking about the thing that has loomed so very large in your family’s life. A look at these techniques, with examples.
how to start a celebrity memoir

How to Start a Celebrity Memoir

Here are nine examples of the opening paragraphs from popular celebrity memoirs. As you can see, some celebrity memoirs begin by highlighting the celeb’s persona, while other have tried to pull back the curtain to reveal the real person underneath it all.
agents who represent memoirs and biographhies

Agents Who Represent Memoirs & Biographies

A list of 68 agents you can contact to represent your memoir, biography, or autobiography – with a list to each agent’s website.
how to write your autobiography

How to Write Your Autobiography

Are you struggling to write your autobiography? Not sure where to begin and what to include? Here are 6 tips to get your started.
how to start a memoir

How to Start a Memoir

Learn six bestselling techniques of beginning a memoir, including “make them wonder,” “make them smile,” “make them relate,” and “make they sympathize.” Includes examples of each of the six techniques, taken from popular books.