Tag Archive for: self-publishing

What Does It Cost to Edit a Book?
A look at 10 different editing/proofreading firms, with a breakdown of their charges. On average, you can expect to pay between $0.015 and $0.06 per word for editing services.

Self-Publishing Rights & Wrongs – Kathy Hendershot-Hurd
Self-published author Kathy Hendershot-Hurd explains what she did right and wrong with her book. Learn from her mistakes in this guest blog.

Calculating Self-Publishing Royalties
Figuring out self-publishing royalties can be surprisingly complex. It depends on several factors, including type of book sold (softcover, e-book, etc.), the size of the book, and the sales channel in which it was sold. A look at how these royalties are calculated, with explanations from the contracts of iUniverse, Xlibris, and WingSpan Press.

Who Owns Your Work, You or the Self-Publisher?
As a general rule, you retain the rights to your book when you self-publish. But "general rules" can be bent this way and that, so it pays to read the self-publishing contract very carefully. Here are links to several self-publishing contracts, along with a discussion of some items to look for.

A Look at Self-Publishing Contracts
Self-publishing contracts vary widely in length, scope, detail, and other aspects. To help you sort through them, here are links to the contracts from 8 self-publishing firms. Plus, a list of items to look for in these contracts.

Self-Publishing Packages: What They Cost
Are you thinking of self-publishing your book? Here’s a quick comparison of the prices of self-publishing packages at 10 self-publishing firms - including AuthorHouse, iUniverse, Dog Ear and Lulu.

Watch the Warranty Clause in Self-Publishing Contracts
Are you familiar with the warranties (promises) you’ll be agreeing to when you sign a self-publishing contract? If not, read this article.