How To Find...

Your Memoir  Writer's Voice

Authors & Ghostwriters of memoirs & more

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Your memoir writer’s voice is the personality of your prose. It's what makes your book different than everyone else’s. It's what separates you from the rest, even if you’re telling the same kind of story as other writers.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Your writer's voice is not necessarily a carbon copy of the way you typically speak. Nor is it that funny, serious, profound, or other kind of voice you wish you had. It's the voice that best reflects what's going on in your heart and mind.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

A strong memoir writer's voice makes your written words evocative. It allows your readers to feel, hear, and visualize what you're talking about. And it speaks with unyielding honesty.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Your memoir writer’s voice may not be pretty and polished. It may not make you sound magnificent.  But it is the unvarnished you. And that's the point of a memoir - painting a portrait of the real you, while inviting the readers to see the world as you do.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

How do you find your memoir writer's voice?  How do you strip away all the pretense and puffery? By writing.  Then writing more, and more.  Don't edit yourself  Just write and write and write.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Write those stories that you tell your friends. Write about your childhood, your hopes and fears. Write about your grandparents, your favorite summer vacation, your most embarrassing moment, and anything else you can think of. Write without editing yourself.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Keep writing, in every way, from every angle.  Adopt different emotions and attitudes; aim at different target audiences as you write. Write something you’re angry about.  Write about something that brings you joy.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Write something serious and something frivolous. Write for your next-door neighbor, your significant other, and the judge at traffic court. Write about the big fears and dark secrets you don’t want to confront. Write about the silly things, too.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Write until you cannot write anymore. Then read what you’ve written.  Which passages work, and which do not?  Which sound geniune, and which make you cringe? Which words and phrases are you proud of?

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Which embarrass you so much you want to rip them up?  Which passages would you write if you had nothing to protect?  If you feared nothing, not even criticism from others?  If your only goal was to speak the truth about yourself?

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

These are your most honest words - the words that lead you to your memoir writer's voice.  Don't worry if they're not funny enough, dignified enough, or exciting enough. If they're honest, they're more than enough. If they're honest, they're golden.

Memoir  Writer's  Voice

Congratulations - you have found your memoir writer's voice! Build your memoir around this honest voice. Honesty is everything in memoir. If you're not going to tell the truth, why bother writing a memoir?

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